Sustainable Management – Primary Waste Selection Survey


of the attitudes and opinions of the residents of the municipality of Kotor on the topic:


Kotor, November 2022 – January 2023.

The survey was conducted on a random sample of 1000 citizens of Kotor.

Out of the distributed 1000 questionnaires, responses were received from 896 citizens, or 90%, with more women than men completing the survey.

The majority of interested respondents had a secondary vocational education, while the least had a lower vocational education.

Survey conducted by: Eko Centar DELFIN

Survey processing: Eko Centar DELFIN

A citizen survey on the topic of primary waste selection in the municipality of Kotor was conducted as part of the “SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT – PRIMARY WASTE SELECTION” project, implemented by Eko Center DELFIN in collaboration with the Municipality of Kotor.

Members and volunteers of Eko Center DELFIN conducted the survey from November 2022 to January 2023, asking citizens for their opinions on the implementation of the “Decision on the manner of separate waste collection” (dry and wet fractions). The survey was conducted on a random sample of 1000 citizens.

Out of the distributed 1000 questionnaires, 896 citizens completed the survey, including 567 female respondents and 329 male respondents.


37% male

63% female

First question: Based on the analysis of the responses to the first question, we can conclude that the residents of Kotor are mostly satisfied with the municipal infrastructure (number of waste containers, locations, emptying frequency, etc.). Dissatisfaction was expressed by 9% of citizens, citing the following reasons:

  • A small number of containers
  • Distance of location
  • Emptying frequency

Analysis of responses:

Are you satisfied with the municipal infrastructure for waste disposal in your community?

91% satisfied

9% not satisfied

Second question: Based on the analysis of the responses to the second question, we can conclude that the residents of Kotor, to a larger extent, are not familiar with the municipal decision on the manner of separate waste collection (“dry” and “wet” fractions).

Are you familiar with the municipal decision on the manner of separate waste collection, for processing (“dry” and “wet” fractions)?

51% No

49% Yes

Third question: Based on the analysis of the responses to the third question, we can conclude that the respondents identified the following needs for successful waste sorting:

  • Lack of financial resources
  • Lack of citizen discipline
  • Lack of communication with decision-makers
  • Penalty policy

In your opinion, what is necessary for citizens to successfully sort waste in households into “dry” and “wet” fractions?

34% Financial resources

32% Discipline

29% Penalty policy

5% Lack of communication with decision-makers

Fourth question: Based on the analysis of the responses to the fourth question, several characteristic proposals stand out:

  • Education in all parts and structures of the population, with an effective penalty policy in later stages
  • Non-selective penalty policy
  • Different colors of containers
  • Much greater activity of local communities.

What is your proposal for improving the situation in the field of sustainable waste management?

32% Other

21% Activity of local communities

18% Non-selective penalty policy

16% Education

13% Different colors of containers

Fifth question: Based on the analysis of the responses to the fifth question, we can conclude that the respondents are predominantly interested in participating in activities to address the issue of sustainable waste management. Characteristic responses include:

  • Very happy to participate if someone initiates and organizes activities.
  • If the local community calls me.
  • If my contribution is appreciated.
  • No, there are people who are paid for that.

Would you get involved in solving problems related to sustainable waste management in your local community?

27% If it is within the local community

6% Appreciate my contribution

3% Let those who are paid for it do it

5% Other

59% Very happy to participate






One response to “Sustainable Management – Primary Waste Selection Survey”

  1. […] recycling were obtained from a survey conducted from November 2022 to the end of January 2023. The survey results showed that there is a limitation in complying with the decision to sort waste into two […]

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